Kold-Ban International, Ltd. is a small privately held company that is in a northwestern suburb of Chicago. KBi® is a registered trademark and acronym for Kold-Ban International. KBi has been at the forefront of developing engine starting solutions since the company was established in 1969. We began with high pressure starting fluid (ether) injection systems for diesel engines, and we created our first supercapacitor systems in 1996. Over the years we have become a leader in engineering and manufacturing engine starting devices for boats, buses, RVs, heavy equipment, and more. KBi has a reputation for building effective, reliable products, and we have qualified for several OEM manufacturing Quality Standards.
Innovative ether starting fluid solutions
After extensive research and testing in our own “Cold Room” laboratory, KBi developed the DIESELMATIC® fully automatic turnkey starting fluid device in 1980. This patented technology has proven itself over the years and is now the starting fluid system used by many truck fleets. Over 1,000,000 DIESELMATIC Systems are operating successfully on vehicles throughout the world today.
We also developed a microprocessor controlled starting fluid device, called the DIESELMATIC EC®. This system was designed for use with engines prior to the ECM age of diesel engines. The EC system was used to help with fail safe starting, idle control, emission control, and for use with certain alternate fuels. KBi’s EC system led to the development of diesel engine manufacturers incorporating their own starting fluid injection electronic controls into the engine’s ECM. Many engine manufactures actually looked to KBi for the development of the engine ECM controlled engine starting fluid injection system.
Our most recently developed high pressure starting fluid injection system, the DIESELMATIC NVT™, is specifically designed to be controlled by modern ECMs (electronic control modules). They plug directly into the “Starting Fluid” port on an engine’s ECM, requiring no separate interface. Because the ECM controls the activation of the starting fluid into the engine, the DIESELMATIC NVT delivers the precise amount of starting fluid that is required.
Supercapacitor engine starting devices
KBi has also led the way in developing, evaluating, and testing supercapacitors for cranking engines in all types of vehicles, including buses, trucks, RVs, motorcoaches, equipment, workboats, recreational boats, and more. Our patented KAPower® module is at the heart of our KSMTM Supercapacitor, KSM KompactTM device, and Mini HD and KrankingKART JR jump starters. We believe this technology will become the standard for engine starting devices on both land and sea in the coming years.
KSM™ Supercapacitor—When it’s installed in your bus, boat, coach, RV, equipment, or other machine, the KSM supplies the required current and power to start the engine every time, even if it has a dead or rundown battery. It can also replace lead acid batteries, resulting in reduced weight and more cranking power.
KSM Kompact™ Supercapacitor—Designed for Class B & C RVs, paratransit buses, recreational boats, and other smaller vehicles and watercraft, the KSM Kompact supercapacitor was released in 2023. It provides your engine with the power it needs to start by releasing energy in short, powerful bursts and then fully recharges in about 30 seconds.
KrankingKART® JR and Mini HD—Powered by our supercapacitor, the portable KrankingKART JR and Mini HD devices have no batteries to maintain and never need to be plugged in, making them perfect for jump starting boat or vehicle engines, no matter where you are.
All of our engine starting devices are compact, lightweight, and very easy to install or transport, making them perfect for engines where space and weight savings are crucial.
Looking ahead towards the future
As long as we have compression ignition engines, there will be a need for cold starting aids. Our fully automatic turnkey ether based starting fluid systems are by far the most effective and least expensive of any cold starting aid available today.
When you need to start an engine, you also need a cranking device. We believe that our KAPower technology will prove to be better than traditional lead acid batteries for cranking in the marine, construction, and transportation industries. They are more reliable, longer lasting, and less costly to use over the long term.
Through our consistent research, testing, and development, KBi will remain at the cutting edge of engineering the most advanced engine starting solutions on the market.
Virtual Patent Markings
The following KBi products are protected by patents in the U.S. and elsewhere. In accordance with U.S. Patent Statute 35 U.S.C. 287 (a), the following products are protected by patents. If a product is not listed check the products packaging, or instruction manual. Additional patents may be pending in the U.S. and elsewhere.
Patent Numbers 11,585,309
Product Guide
Supercapacitor /
Ultracapacitor Products
Part Numbers
500818-120, 500818-70, 500819, 570000, 570001, 570002, 570003, 570004, 571000- 571006, 700000-700029, 702000-702007R, 703000-703006, 800001-800099, 800065, 800071, 800066, 800067, KBI800030-KBi800099, KSM0120012, KSM020012, KSM020074001, KSM030012-KSM03002499, KSM050012-KSM05002499, KSM10-6-12-2400, KSM061200-KSM061299, KSM101200-KSM101299, KSM102400-KSM102499, KSM12400-KSM122499, KSM200012
Patent Pending: KSM51200-KSM512999.
Module Application and Part Number Reference Guide: